NES Fire'n'Ice (Solomon's Key 2) data and hacking notes v1.1 (2007-11-26) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes regarding this document ----------------------------- All values are given in hexadecimal notation. The information given in this document is likely to contain some errors. The Layout and Content data offsets are from a document by Chickenlump. English is not my native language, so there may be things that could have been worded more clearly. If you have corrections or data to contribute, please email them to hukka gmail com. Level data ---------- Each level is made up of two parts: * "Layout" - a bitmask containing the wall layout of the level (1E bytes). * "Content" - a block of data containing the initial layout of everything else on the level - fire, ice, enemies, pipes etc. The format for a Content data block is: ... 00 * For tile IDs >= 80 (i.e. enemies), only a single position byte follows. * A tile ID of zero will signal the end of level data. The position byte contains the Y position in the leftmost nybble, and the X position in the rightmost nybble. Wall tiles are not contained in the Content block since the Layout bitmask defines the wall layout. Example; a simple level with two flames next to each other at locations (05, 0A) and (06, 0A), and a cube of ice at (03, 09): 0E 02 A5 A6 05 01 93 00 Flames Ice End Tile IDs: --------- 02 Ice (straight) 03 Ice (left end) 04 Ice (right end) 05 Ice (single cube) 06 Pipe (vertical) 07 Pipe (horizontal) 08 Pipe (upper right) 09 Pipe (upper left) 0A Pipe (lower right) 0B Pipe (lower left) 0C Stone 0D Jar (cold) 0E Flame 0F Jar (burning) 80 Enables upwards scrolling plus lava at bottom 81 Enemy type A (moves horizontally) 82 Enemy type B (moves vertically) 83 Enemy type C (moves vertically, cannot be harmed from above) 84 Nothing? 85 Enemy type A, but twice as fast 86 Enemy type B, but extremely slow 87 Enemy type C, but twice as fast Enemy visuals ------------- The three enemy types use different graphics depending on the world, but always act identically to their respective enemy types. Worlds 1 - 3 A = Flying flame B = Flying flame C = Grey ghost with umbrella (The whole palette is grey) World 4 A = Flying flame (if used on level, will turn enemy B into a flying flame too, and enemy C into a glitched flame) B = Pink flying ghost C = Pink ghost with helmet World 5 Same as Worlds 1 - 3 World 6 A = Black cat-thing B = Flapping ghost C = Pink ghost, carries ball World 7 A = Fish B = Flying blob C = Pink ghost with horn World 8 A = Bird B = Bat C = Pink ghost with umbrella World 9 A = Robed ghost B = Tentacled thing C = Pink ghost with pitchfork World 10 A = Black cat-thing B = Flapping ghost C = Pink ghost, carries weapon/wand Worlds 11 - 13 A = Pink flying teardrop B = Pink flying ghost C = Pink ghost with helmet World 14 Same as World 7 World 15 Same as World 8 Layout starting locations for each world: ----------------------------------------- World 1: 4010 World 2: 413C World 3: 4268 World 4: 4394 World 5: 44C0 World 6: 45EC World 7: 4718 World 8: 4844 World 9: 4970 World 10: 4A9C World 11: 4BC8 World 12: 4CF4 World 13: 4E20 World 14: 4F4C World 15: 5078 Content starting locations for each world: ------------------------------------------ Two-byte pointers to the actual Content data location for each level in the game start at location 6010. To convert this to the proper location in the NES ROM file, decrease 4000 from the address and add 10 to account for the size of the ROM header. World 1: 6010 (-> A12C - 4000 + 10 => ROM location 613C) World 2: 6024 World 3: 6038 World 4: 604A World 5: 6060 World 6: 6074 World 7: 6088 World 8: 609C World 9: 60B0 World 10: 60C4 World 11: 60D8 World 12: 60EC World 13: 6100 World 14: 6114 World 15: 6128 Important tables ---------------- 51A4 - Player start locations (same "YX" nybble format as in level data) 523A - The amount of flames the player must remove in order to complete each level. Do not set this higher than the number of flames used in your level. You can set it lower, but the game has a glitch where the "flames left to remove" counter at 00AB wraps around if you happen to remove more than one flame at once, leaving you on an empty level without completing it. Other data ---------- Overworld movement There are two tables that contain information on how you can move on the overworld map. The tables specify which joystick directional buttons will take you to the preceding world from the current one, and which buttons will take you to the next world. Both tables contain 4-bit bit masks, one bit for each direction, in order: Up, Down, Left, Right. So, if you want Down and Left to take you from World 2 to World 1, and Up and Right to take you to World 3, put %0110 (06) in C826 and %1001 (09) in C81C. C81B Table for movement to the next level C825 Table for movement to the preceding level Other important tables here are the pixel coordinates for the player sprite for each world. C82F - X pixel locations of different worlds in overworld C839 - Y pixel locations of different worlds in overworld Level and enemy palettes (Bonus worlds use same data as Worlds 1 to 5 respectively.) 1F1CC - Table of which level palette to use for each world (non-Japanese) 1F1D7 - Table of which level palette to use for each world (Japanese ver.) 1F1DB - Table of which enemy palette to use for each world (non-Japanese) 1F1E6 - Table of which enemy palette to use for each world (Japanese ver.) 5E10 - World palettes 5EC0 - Overworld palette 5F30 - Enemy palettes CD98 - Color cycle sequence for overworld (3 colors) Contact ------- Email Website